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A christian blog where I write as I learn and learn as I write. Slowly but surely covering all matters of the Christian faith.

Christ Centred

All things point to Christ, so should this blog.

Bible Based

God has revealed himself in Scripture.

Spirit Inspired

Matters of spirituality by the Holy Spirit.

Personal Opinion

These are my opinions, not the work of others.

Recent Articles

London International Christian Church: An Extensive Review

Learn more about the London International Christian Church, and what they believe.

What does Messias mean?

Messias (3323 in Strong's Concordance) is a Greek noun and it is derived from the Hebrew noun Mashiach. While Mashiach is broad and used...

What does Mashiach mean?

Mashiach (4899 in Strong's Concordance) is a Hebrew noun and means to be an anointed person. It is used infrequently throughout the Old...

Featured Article

International Christian Church

I dive deep into the London International Christian Church, and share my thoughts on their theology and practices.



My name is Rowan Collins

Pneumatikos is my personal blog where I share my opinions, my thoughts, and my faith.

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