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Writer's pictureRowan Collins

Meaning of John 1:1-5

The gospel according to John is a unique account of the life, death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In these verses, John excites his readers with an incredible and poetic illustration of God, but he also lays down the foundations for the gospel itself.

The stakes are a matter of life and death. We all need to hear these verses and share them. This message is too important to ignore.

Meaning of John1:1

John opens his gospel with an abstract, profound, and yet immensely powerful truth.

The Word (Logos) existed throughout all eternity with God (Theos) and there was never separation between the two.

Logos was perfectly aligned to—and cooperative with—Theos. There was never a moment where Logos was absent, disobedient, misaligned, or apart from Theos.

And yet, while Logos and Theos are described as eternally inseparable and perfectly aligned. Theos and Logos were one essence and nature.

Meaning of John 1:2

Building upon this incredible imagery, John pilesup increasingly profound statements.

His testimony is so profound it overwhelms all senses of ordinary men and women such that some bow down in fear and worship, others are utterly incapable of comprehending and so foolishly mock, and yet another group so deep in their pride wither away in opposition.

John writes: this eternal, inseparable, perfectly aligned, and obedient entity—that is in its very nature God—was a person.

Meaning of John 1:3

This person was not only eternally present, conceived in the mind of God, but was active!

He was not inactive. Through him everything came into existence. Whether living or inanimte, all things were made by his power and might. Not one thing could be counted that did not find its existence rooted in him.

As such, this person was greater than all things, because he came before all things and ranked above all things. He holds the greatest name above all names.

Meaning of John 1:4

Not only was this person before all things and above all things, but in him was the very purpose and fulfilment of life.

To know and be known by this person was to partake in life itself; to not know or be known by them was to face the despair and devastation of death.

And to us, all men and women of the Earth, this man was the light of the world. He was the cause of ultimate joy and life. All that is good, all that we hope, all that for which we live, and our very purpose was fulfilled in him.

Meaning of John 1:5

Yet, despite the incomprehensible might, power, and love of this great light, he was surrounded by darkness.

While he was pure, the entire cosmos lay in darkness. It all stood before him opposed and deserving of judgement. But no matter how dark and dim the world around him—his light could not be overcome.

Final Thoughts

This passage excites the mind of men and women, leaving the reader with no choice but to take a stance:

Either you know and are known by this light to all mankind, or you don't know and aren't known to them. You either find life and purpose in him, or you face death and judgement before an awesome God.

And yet, at this point in his gospel, John does not say who is this person you need to know.

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