Kardiognóstés (2589 in Strong's Concordance) is a noun in Ancient Greek that means one that knows the heart and is formed by:
kardia - heart
gnóstés - one who knows
There are two references in the New Testament, both discuss God as the one who knows hearts. In both cases, God's knowledge of the heart is called upon to inform his action in the lives of believers.
Related Terms
The following terms are often used in connection with kardiognóstés:
proorizó - to be predestined
horizó - to set boundaries
proginóskó - to know beforehand
prognósis - a foreknowledge, or prior determination
ginóskó - to know
gnósis - a knowledge
agnósia - an ignorance
gnómé - an opinion
gnórizó - to come to know
gnóstés - one who knows
kardiognóstés - one who knows the heart
gnóstos - to be, or do something knowingly
agnóstos - to be, or do something unknowingly
kataginóskó - to blame
epiginóskó - to know exactly
anaginóskó - to know what was written
agnoeó - to be ignorant
suggnómé - to confess something known
diaginóskó - to thouroughly know
proetoimazó - to prepare beforehand
hetoimazó - to prepare
prothesis - a setting forth, or purpose
protithémi - to set before
tithémi - to set, place, or establish
Kardiognóstés is used 2 times across 2 verses. Below is a list of all references to kardiognóstés in the New Testament:
And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen...
Acts 1:24 ESV
And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us...
Acts 15:8 ESV