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  • Writer's pictureRowan Collins

What is Christianity?

Christianity is one of the five major religions across the world, and one of three Abrahamic faiths. It originated almost 4,000 years ago with ancient Israel and the Jewish people, but gained its name around 2,000 years ago with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christianity is named after Jesus, who was bestowed the title of ‘Christos’. This word originated in Ancient Greece and it means anointed. Later, after the death of Jesus, those that proclaimed his resurrection and became disciples were named Christians:

So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.

‭‭Acts‬ ‭11:25-26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What do Christians believe?

Christians believe that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose from the dead. He died as an atonement for our sins, and his sacrifice is sufficient for all that believe in him. His resurrection demonstrates not only his power to forgive, but also his promise for eternal life. Therefore, upon accepting God the Son, we are forgiven by God the Father, and consequently receive the Spirit of God. This is called the Holy Trinity.

On top of these essential statements of faith are several other doctrines and teachings. These vary from the miraculous birth of Christ, and other statements that point to the divinity of Christ - to how believers should act as part of a church.

Several resources exist that provide clear and comprehensive views of the Christian faith and what all christians believe:

All of what Christians believe can be found in the Bible. All doctrines draw upon both the Old and New Testament. Some interpretations differ from Judaism because Christians have additional revelation brought by the New Testament. Christians do not claim that the Jewish texts were corrupted, instead, they believe that Jesus Christ fulfils Old Testament covenants and brings fresh revelation.

How did Christianity spread?

The early church suffered much persecution. Christianity offered a radical departure from Judaism, but also from other pagan beliefs. These christians became despised, hated, and killed for their faith. Despite this hostility, Christianity flourished with many adamant of the amazing grace they had seen.

Through radical kindness and generosity, the early church was able to grow until it was officially recognised in 313 A.D.. Later, when the Roman empire fell, the Catholic church took over as the major religion across Europe.

Since then, Christianity has continued to spread through faithful teaching of a resurrected Jesus Christ and radical kindness.

How to become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian is easy as there are no rituals or rites of passage. Instead, it starts with a genuine belief that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, died for the sin of the world, and rose again as proof he is God. This belief is foundational and once held genuinely, it will lead to a desire for believers to know more about Jesus.

The first step is to join a church where you will find out more about the person of Jesus. You should also find out more about how the news about Jesus (often called the gospel) transforms your life. By studying the word of God, you will become built up to live a life befitting of a person that Jesus calls. This transformation is not a requirement to become a Christian, rather, it is an inevitable sanctification.

As you begin this journey, you will learn about baptism, which is a public declaration of faith accompanied by dunking into a pool of water. This process is symbolic in nature, but an important part of a Christian journey. It is not a requirement to become a Christian, but it is a good development in a believer's journey.

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